UAN partnered with the Bodhisattva Foundation in Nepal to provide basic food (rice, lentils, oil, salt, and sugar) to approximately 300 families of the Chepang community in Dading, Nepal.
Central Vietnam Flood Victims
Severe flooding in central Vietnam in October 2016 left at least 21 people dead and submerged tens of thousands of homes. UAN founder and president Ann Huynh helped raise $25,000 for flood victims.
Water Wells in India
Approximately 1 out of 9 people on the planet do not have access to safe, clean drinking water.
UAN provided direct financial assistance for the drilling of clean water wells in India.
Mexico Earthquake
In 2017, UAN helped victims who lost their homes during the devastating earthquake in Mexico. Click below to read a letter of gratitude from UAN Founder/President Ann Huynh and Charity Deputy Director, Johanna M. Fabregas, Ph.D.:
UAN sponsors 20 orphans in Huong Phong Catholic Church in Quang Binh, Vietnam.
Click here to view a letter of gratitude from Sister Maria, Tran Thi Lan
UAN Replaces Home Destroyed by Fire
During 2017, UAN built a new home for an impoverished family in Kom Tun, Vietnam who lost their previous home due to fire.
UAN's Angels in Training Help Students in Kon Tum, Vietnam
Just before summer break of 2017, UAN introduced it's Angels in Training program to elementary students at Linh Son Temple in Austin, TX. After hearing the purpose of the program and how it would help young students in a remote, poverty-stricken area of Vietnam, the students left with Angel Banks for collecting funds over the summer. The children raised over $1,000, which was used to purchase a television for a Kon Tum school, as well as shoes and other necessities for its students.
Click here to view a letter of appreciation from one of the school's educators and click here to view a thank you letter from one of it's students.
International Projects
Famine in Nepal
UAN partnered with the Bodhisattva Foundation in Nepal to provide basic food (rice, lentils, oil, salt, and sugar) to approximately 300 families of the Chepang community in Dading, Nepal.
Central Vietnam Flood Victims
Severe flooding in central Vietnam in October 2016 left at least 21 people dead and submerged tens of thousands of homes. UAN founder and president Ann Huynh helped raise $25,000 for flood victims.
Water Wells in India
Approximately 1 out of 9 people on the planet do not have access to safe, clean drinking water.
UAN provided direct financial assistance for the drilling of clean water wells in India.
Mexico Earthquake
In 2017, UAN helped victims who lost their homes during the devastating earthquake in Mexico. Click below to read a letter of gratitude from UAN Founder/President Ann Huynh and Charity Deputy Director, Johanna M. Fabregas, Ph.D.:
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Sponsored Orphans
UAN sponsors 20 orphans in Huong Phong Catholic Church in Quang Binh, Vietnam.
Click here to view a letter of gratitude from Sister Maria, Tran Thi Lan
UAN Replaces Home Destroyed by Fire
During 2017, UAN built a new home for an impoverished family in Kom Tun, Vietnam who lost their previous home due to fire.
UAN's Angels in Training Help Students in Kon Tum, Vietnam
Just before summer break of 2017, UAN introduced it's Angels in Training program to elementary students at Linh Son Temple in Austin, TX. After hearing the purpose of the program and how it would help young students in a remote, poverty-stricken area of Vietnam, the students left with Angel Banks for collecting funds over the summer. The children raised over $1,000, which was used to purchase a television for a Kon Tum school, as well as shoes and other necessities for its students.
Click here to view a letter of appreciation from one of the school's educators and click here to view a thank you letter from one of it's students.
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