At Universal Angels Network (UAN), we design programs and workshops that build community. Sometimes, we bring people together for reasons not so obvious. Behind the activities we choose, often there's a deeper reason for gathering, like:
Nurturing souls.
We nurture souls by sharing wisdom and by demonstrating unconditional love and compassion. This leads to gratitude, followed by inspiration. A chain reaction that spreads even more love and compassion throughout the world. Remember, large ripples in water begin with the tiniest of pebbles.
But who do we serve? How do we bring them together?
At UAN, we hold a special place in our hearts for two groups that are often overlooked by our busy society:
Elderly people and children.
The elderly have much wisdom to share for those willing to be still and listen. Wisdom earned from years of education and life experiences. One paradox of aging is the fact that while we gain wisdom as we age, we also experience a decline in fine motor skills. We know more, but find it harder to do simple things like opening pickle jars and buttoning our shirts.
Loneliness can be an issue as we witness the passing of friends and family members. Social connection is a core human need that becomes harder to meet. Without close friends or a nurturing family environment, life often feels meaningless.
For children, life can be hard, even when they have two parents and a stable home environment. For those kids without positive role models, the risk of hardship is even greater. Children need exposure to patient and kind elders who care about them. Someone who can show them the ropes and inspire them to perverse through life's challenges. Someone who can be a comforting, calm presence in their life.
Social isolation affects children too. Bullying and lack of social connection often lead to depression, anxiety, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and increased risk of substance abuse. Teen suicide rates continue to climb as society struggles for answers.
These social issues are complex and not easily solved. Solving them will take time, money, and great ideas.
To help, UAN members have joined together and come up with a simple idea. And sometimes, it's the simple ideas that can make a big difference in someone's life. Ideas like the
Universal Angels’ Knitting Group.
That's right, knitting!
The Universal Angels Knitting Group has been meeting every second Saturday since March 2018. Beginners and experienced knitters gather to knit hats and scarves for Austin's homeless and formerly homeless residents of Community First Village.
Besides the good feelings that come from helping others, the group experiences cognitive and physical benefits, too. Knitting uses rhythmic, repetitive hand movements that focus the mind and lead to a relaxed state, much like meditation. Studies show that once beyond the initial learning curve, knitting can reduce heart rate, blood pressure, and the stress hormone, cortisol, as well as provide a sense of creative fulfillment.
Knitting is good for the mind, body, and soul!
The dynamics within UAN’s knitting group are inspiring to witness. Knitting sessions have included current and retired educators, health professionals, and psychologists, among other helping professions. There's a symbiotic relationship that emerges between the younger and older participants. The older folks feel inspired by the youngsters’ energy and enthusiasm, while the kids enjoy a heartfelt connection with elders who offer sage advice and loving examples of compassion. All in a safe, fun, and relaxed environment. Often, the roles are reversed. UAN’s most patient and enthusiastic knitting instructor, Piper, is 12 years old!
At UAN, we are excited about the possibilities for our Angels’ Knitting Group.
We invite you and your children to join us.
While knitting supplies are free for children, we ask for a small donation of $10 for adults to help offset the cost.
Refreshments are provided.
For more information, please contact Marnie Roberson, at (512) 436-8105.
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Last Updated: April 9, 2021 by James Rannefeld
UAN’s Knitting Group
Nurturing souls.
Elderly people and children.
Universal Angels’ Knitting Group.
Category: Community Engagement, US Projects Tags: Charity, Community Engagement, Knitting, Meditation, Mindfulness, Relaxation
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